Stephanie started her fitness journey in 2019. It all started with Crossfit. The first time I placed my hands on a barbell I knew it wouldn't be the last. I can't explain the feeling but I knew right then and there that I was going to be hooked to anything having to do with fitness. Within months of joining a local Crossfit gym, I started to build my own home gym. From there, I learned more about body-building nutrition and started to "grow". I had no idea all these years what true good nutritional intake should look like until I discovered counting MACROS. This is why I offer MACROS coaching. I feel like everyone should learn this method. It's so much more effective!
Stephanie has gone from CrossFit to Bodybuilding to now competing in the NPC and OCB shows.
Stephanie won her bikini master's pro card at the OCB Shamrock Cup Class in March of 2022.
She then went on to also win her figure master's pro card at the OCB Hall of Fame show in June 2024.
Education - Stephanie got her education in Certified Personal Training through NASM and is certified as a Nutritionist Specialist.
She also has a BS in Leadership and Organization Studies and an AB in Business.